Skills in Transformation

Welcome to the Skills in Transformation Podcast where the most successful business leaders of today share their stories and experience with challenges, opportunities and best practices building Digital Skills for Digital Transformation

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We've collected all the best advice for you on how to make digital skills work for you and your organization.

What are the challenges and the opportunities when Skills and Business is impacted by faster digitilization?
How are people, organizations and society as a whole affected? These are some of the many questions, we’ll discuss.

These are real-life stories from leaders with first-hand experience navigating the perfect storm that businesses face as they pursue
Skills for Digital Transformation. 

Meet leaders and first-movers from different sectors and industries and join the conversation to get the answers to your burning Skills challenges and be better prepared for the future.


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Latest episodes

Meet the most interesting leaders and thinkers sharing their personal experiences with Digital Skills for Transformation in authentic conversations with Skills Experts.

Organizing Learning & Development for Digital Skills with Simcorp

Hear Kenn Coops from SimCorp explain how they've organized L&D to be first-movers building digital Cloud skills at scale to support their Cloud Transformation journey

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How do we avoid being stopped by the lack of skills, with Dene Palmer from Formpipe

The Central concerns of this talk is the Skills Shortage in this ever-changing digital landscape. How do we ensure that we don't fall short on Cloud Skills?

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