Why Do You Need a LXP to Make Digital Skills Work?

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However, the landscape of skilled development and employee education has changed significantly over the past couple of decades. Today's employees are expected to develop a robust set of digital skills, familiarizing themselves with different systems and platforms. They are also expected to learn quickly and efficiently, so they can begin contributing to their organization almost immediately.

Responding to these new conditions, innovative developers have created learning experience platforms (LXPs) to make the acquisition of digital skills more convenient and accessible to a variety of different businesses.

Do you really need an LXP to make digital skills work? And if so, what's the right way to use one?


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What Is a Learning Experience Platform (LXP)?

Learning experience platforms (LXPs) are designed to be an all-in-one solution to employee education and training. Most LXPs rely on an archive of internal content, connections to third party sources, and even user-generated content to provide employees with all the information and resources they need to develop skills for a particular role. Some innovative LXP's also rely on data analytics and machine learning to provide employees with an adaptive approach, tailoring their education and training to better suit the individual.

LXPs can also come with a host of other features, including built-in support for exams, certifications, and compliance. And some are built with specific purposes in mind, such as providing training and education for digital skills.


The Advantages of an LXP

It's technically possible to train and educate your employees on new digital skills without the help of an LXP. However, the advantages of using italics P are hard to ignore. These include:

  • A plethora of educational assets. With an LXP, you're not just relying on one person providing instructional material. You're also not just relying on one bank of content. Instead, you're drawing information and educational resources from a plethora of different locations. You can even tap into the power of user generated content, created by leaders and employees within your organization. Because these sources are so diverse, educational coverage is practically comprehensive – and employees have many options for how they want to learn their new skills.
  • Consolidation in one location. It would be tough to juggle all those different sources if you were looking at them individually or trying to manage them between different platforms. An LXP can remove this problem by consolidating everything in one location. With one platform, you'll be able to train and educate your employees, quiz them, certify them, and even track their performance. Everything is streamlined and straightforward.
  • Adaptability and specialized learning. Certain LXP platforms offer significant adaptability and specialized learning. Thanks to AI, these sophisticated systems are capable of adjusting their approach to be better suited to the individual currently learning.
  • Personal and engaging instruction. Employee engagement is a major issue in workplaces throughout the developed world. Increasingly, employees are disengaged with their work, causing them to be less productive, less efficient, and less interested in their work. This can also lead to major morale issues, eventually increasing your employee turnover. But with an LXP, you'll have much more personalized and engaging instruction, so you can set a course for more engaged employees.
  • Easy content development and growth. Are you interested in developing more content for employee training and skill development? LXPs help you do this. Thanks to modules specifically dedicated for user generated content, and unlimited potential for integration, there should never be a shortage of educational resources available for your employees.
  • Customizability and integrations. If you don't like an LXP platform out of the box, that's fine. Most LXPs afford you many opportunities for customizability and different types of integration. You can change your settings, integrate new platforms, or make other adjustments to make sure the platform is everything you need.
  • Measurement and reporting. Built-in reporting is another advantage of LXPs. In the same platform, an employer can review an employee's progress, chart trends throughout the organization, and form critical insights that can help them improve education and training within the organization in the future.
  • Reduced costs. As long as it's implemented properly, your LXP should be able to save you money. A sophisticated LXP platform will require some money upfront, but it's less than you would have spent hiring consultants, spending manhours on individualized training, or piecing together this functionality from a dozen other different types of software platforms.


Making Your LXP Work

If you're interested in using an LXP to revitalize your employee training and education program, these are some tips to make sure you're able to use it to its full potential:

  • Choose the right platform. There are dozens of different links out there, and possibly hundreds, but not all of them were created specifically to help your employees master digital skills. In addition, not all experts offer the same suite of features.
  • Set expectations. Make sure to set appropriate expectations with your employees. How should they be using this platform? How are they going to be evaluated? What kind of timeline are you expecting?
  • Tap into its full potential. Many organizations fail to tap into the full potential of an LXP simply because they don't use all the features present within that platform. Get to know the platform inside and out, and don't hesitate to experiment with new features.
  • Revisit and adapt. Revisit your LXP strategy and keep adapting it as you learn more information.

Are you ready to get started with a digital skills LXP that can help transform your team (and your business)? You’re in the right place. Readynez365 is the world’s only digital skills LXP created specifically to foster and develop digital skills. Get started with a free trial today!

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