Mastering Microsoft Azure Administration Made Easy

  • Azure administration
  • Published by: André Hammer on May 17, 2024

Do you want to get better at using Microsoft Azure? If that is your goal, then you’re in the right place! This article will help you learn how to manage Azure. Whether you're new or have some experience, this guide will make it easy for you. Let’s look at how you can become good at handling Azure tools and services.

Overview of Microsoft Azure Administration

Azure administration best practices

As an Administrators, you can make Azure more secure by doing the following:

  • Using built-in roles and role-based access control to control who can do what.
  • Giving specific access rights to admin accounts.

  • Limiting high-level access to lower security risks.

Managing how Azure services depend on each other is important for smooth operations. By understanding these security links, you can:

  • Reduce ways attackers can get in.

  • Make sure your business keeps running smoothly.

You can achieve the following important functions by using Azure's conditional access policies you can:

  • Improve security.

  • Control who can access cloud apps, services, and resources based on set conditions.

You can keep an eye on diagnostics and service metrics effectively by:

  • Using the visual tools in the Azure portal.

  • Using the command-line tools in Cloud Shell.

  • Getting alert notifications and checking audit logs to find security problems and fix issues.

For the purpose of providing support as an administrator, you can do the following:

  • Ask for help from communities and forums.

  • Communicate with the Azure product team through feedback channels.

  • Access powerful tools and ongoing support to manage Azure resources effectively.

Azure portal vs Azure mobile app

The Azure portal and mobile app provide you with different ways to access admin accounts and manage privileged access to Azure services.

The Azure portal is useful for admin tasks like setting up privileges and managing attacks on web apps. The mobile app lets you quickly handle security and access needs.

In the portal, you can set up roles to reduce risk and keep working smoothly. You can also manage cloud apps, databases, virtual machines, networks, and storage with an easy-to-use interface.

The mobile app provides you a command-line experience via Cloud Shell. You can use it to control access and set rights for things like templates and virtual machine images.

The portal also helps with analytics, monitoring, diagnostics, metrics, alerts, events, and audit logs, making it easier to track service use and costs. 

Both the app and the portal provide support through communities, forums, and direct contact with support reps or the Azure product team. These can be used to improve IT security and reduce risks.

Securing Accounts and Access Control

Implementing fine-grained access control

The first step is carefully defining and managing admin accounts and privileged access to control who can access what in Azure.

When you set rules for who can access what, consider how one thing being accessed might affect another. Also, make sure you can access your accounts quickly if there's an emergency. Think about where someone might try to break in, like web apps, databases, or storage.

You can also use the built-in roles and conditional access features in the Azure portal to keep your cloud stuff safe. Consider how giving someone power might affect your business or its security.


Using multi-factor authentication

One way to make your organisation safer is to use multi-factor authentication. This means adding extra steps to prove the user’s identity, like sending codes to a phone number after you enter your password.

Multi-factor authentication is also useful for protecting important Azure accounts and preventing unauthorised access, particularly through web apps.

Managing Azure Services

Understanding dependencies between services

You must consider how Azure services depend on each other. Think about things like admin accounts, security links, and ways bad actors might try to access private information. Understanding these things is important when you handle Azure services like web apps, databases, virtual machines, and storage.

Enhancing Security Measures

Implementing zero trust security model

Implementing the zero-trust security model in Azure can help you keep everything safe. You need to carefully manage admin access and accounts. So, look at everything, including services, admin tasks, and privileges.

Focus on securing places like web apps and limiting emergency access. This will help boost security. Understand how different parts connect to stay safe. You can use conditional access in Azure to lower risks and keep your business's functions running smoothly.

Create and run cloud apps and other Azure services, such as databases and virtual machines, using pictures and typing commands. Set roles and access correctly to reduce risks.

Use tools to see how things are working, spot problems, and stay updated. This keeps you safe and helps you solve problems quickly. Make sure only the right people have the right permissions to keep your information safe.

Utilizing conditional access policies

You can set up rules in the Azure portal to protect web apps, databases, and other resources you use. This helps you reduce risks and prevent bad guys from gaining access.

These rules make things safer and give you more control over who can do what. Use tools like Cloud Shell to handle cloud apps and other things you use. Stay updated with alerts, logs, and help when you need it.

Optimizing Billing and Integrated Support

Gaining visibility into billing blind spots

You can improve your understanding of Azure billing by monitoring admin accounts and who has special access.

Check access rights often in the Azure portal to find any risks. This helps ensure that admin powers are balanced with money decisions.

Leveraging integrated support options

Including support options in Azure administration can help you see billing issues better. This enables you to monitor how much you're using, what it costs, and analytics across different clouds. It's easier to find where you might be spending too much and make billing work better.

Support options also give you tools to monitor progress, find problems and track activity. This helps you manage costs better and control your spending.

Wrapping up

This article is a simple guide to mastering Microsoft Azure Administration.

It gives easy instructions and tips for managing Azure services and resources efficiently.

This article can help you master Azure administration, whether you're a beginner or want to improve your skills.

Readynez offers a 4-day AZ-104 Microsoft Certified Azure Administrator Course and Certification Program, providing the learning and support you need to successfully prepare for the exam and certification. The AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator Associate course and all our other Microsoft courses are also included in our unique Unlimited Microsoft Training offer, where you can attend the Microsoft Azure Administrator Associate and 60+ other Microsoft courses for just €199 per month, the most flexible and affordable way to get your Microsoft Certifications.

Please contact us with any questions or if you would like to discuss your opportunity with the Microsoft Azure Administrator Associate certification and how you can best achieve it.


What topics are covered in 'Mastering Microsoft Azure Administration Made Easy'?

In 'Mastering Microsoft Azure Administration Made Easy,' you'll learn how to set up virtual machines, handle Azure Active Directory, set up Azure Resource Manager, and add security measures like encryption and role-based access control.

Is this book suitable for beginners in Azure administration?

Yes, this book is excellent for beginners in Azure administration. It provides clear steps for setting up and managing Azure services, making it easy to learn and follow.

Are there any practical exercises included in the book?

Yes, the book has exercises to help you practice what you learn. It includes worksheets to set goals, questions to consider, and interactive activities to improve learning.

Does the book provide guidance on troubleshooting common Azure administration issues?

Yes, the book gives useful tips for fixing common Azure problems. For instance, it provides step-by-step instructions for solving connection issues with virtual machines and slow performance in Azure SQL databases.

Is this book suitable for individuals preparing for Azure certification exams?

This book is good for people who are getting ready for Azure certification tests. It covers all the important topics and has practice questions to test how well you know the material before the exams. 


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