"When it comes to digital transformation, the single most important determining factor is the leadership.
Needless to say, industry, culture and actual tech all matter, but these things tend to be similar across competitors. Whereas the mindset, value and competence of your leadership will be the main differentiator.
Successful leaders in the Skills-First Economy drive change from the top, avoid the “Great Training Robbery” and never again spend on skills without a plan.
It’s time for an integrated approach to putting Skills first. It all starts with each and every one of us and the people we are responsible for developing."
Frank Højgaard CEO Readynez.
Experience a customized Demo of the Solution that you´re interested in, get answers to your specific questions and see how Readynez makes your digital Skills work.
Avoid the Great Training Robbery
When training is not planned from the top, time and money are wasted in large volumes. HBR.org refers to that mechanism as the “Great Training Robbery”. You can avoid it by driving change from the top, integrated to the business requirements and you get a competitive edge over the slow starters.
To futureproof your organization now, you will need Talent that can be trained for the NEXT wave of technology. You want talent with hungry minds, trained to fit your requirements. Experience is temporary, but intellectual curiosity is a permanent asset. You´ll soon learn that talent can be trained to do anything.
One Platform for Digital Skills
Now, the speed of change requires a continuos approach to the Learning, Certification and Compliance of your people. Readynez365 is the only Learner Experience Platform (LXP) built for the Skills-first economy. Integrate all Learning Assets and Analytics for Digital Skills in one place for sustainable Transformation.
Get inspired by leaders in the know
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ATEA Norge: Sådan løses ressourcemanglen
Da efterspørgslen efter vores løsninger er stigende, skal vi være et skridt foran markedet, og vi skal ansætte flere mennesker til at levere de løsninger, som markedet har brug for.
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3 uger fra idé til levering - 5 forskellige spor - 394 pladser
På 3 uger udviklede Readynez en træningsserie bestående af 5 forskellige træningsprogrammer -med i alt 394 pladser -målrettet mod certificering.
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Hvordan ALSO gentænker Talent strategien
Små justeringer af din nuværende talent-strategi vil ikke være nok til at undgå Skills krisen, og omkostningerne ved passivitet er svimlende.
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INVID driver deres digitale transformation
Sådan træner og certificerer du et helt team af mennesker hurtigt, uden at miste en masse omsætning, når de er ude af produktion og er væk på træning.
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EG fremskynder innovation med friske talenter
De uprøvede talenter bringer en positiv indstilling og et mindset for forandring, der muliggør unikke bidrag. I synergi udgør seniorer og juniorer et bedre hold.
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Readynez365 tilbyder fleksibilitet og skalerbarhed
Readynez har lskabt et unikt dashboard, hvor PrintVis kan overvåge partnernes forbrug af læring og yde support, når det er nødvendigt.
read more1000+ companies trust Readynez to power their Digital Transformation with Skills Services that work.
Hvis din virksomhed har brug for rådgivning, vil en af vores eksperter give råd om jeres Skills situation og foreslå strategier til at forbedre jeres resultat.
Learn about Strategies, New findings and Tech, and get inside tips and tricks from industry experts and more...